Tuesday 11 June 2013

500 subbie giveaway challenge :)

You must be subscribed to my youtube

You must follow my blog (pubicly so I can see that you follow me:) - Pop a 'hello' on my giveaway post and your youtube name so I know who you are :)

You must make an altered configuration / printers tray LETTER (check out my process videos for guidance) 

alter something in a way that you have never seen it altered before.

Please use YOUR style and YOUR choice of colours / papers etc!

Please link your response to my challenege video and say where you got the idea from with a link to my channel

1 entry for the challenge
1 entry for promoting my challenge/giveaway
5 entries for sending it to me :) (but you dont have to as I know many of you are international and it might cost a bit - If you would like alter a letter for me or someone in my family then our initials are - K, M, F-L and J)

Closes July 23rd

You will win £35 to spend at one of 4 UK online stores. I will email the winner with the store choices so they can look. Then they can tell me what they want from that store up to the value of £35. I will place the order on the winners behalf and then ship it to them where ever in the world they are.
I thought some UK based stores would be a great idea as I know a lot of my subbies are international :)

Most importantly - HAVE FUN!!


  1. Looks like a fun challenge. My youtube name is Emily H. :)

    1. Hey Emily thanks for stopping by :) I will look forward to seeing what you come up with xx

  2. Hi Kelly, I am in for the challenge!!! Youtubename sara57556 :)
    If you have the time I invite you to take a look at my blog sara's creatopia. xxxSara

    1. Hey Sara, thank you for stopping by! :) Yay! I am so glad you are in for the challenge :)I am rubbish at finding blogs, could you please private message me the link on YT? x

  3. Hey Kelly, I've been a follower for a bit...beautiful page by the way. My google username is the same as my YT. LynzCraftz
    I've never done an altered letter much less a config. box...I hope I get to feeling a little less under the weather so I can play along soon.

    1. Hey Lynn, thank you so much for coming over :) and thank you! I am very new to this blogging thing so I am not sure how to do it or how others do it.
      I would very much like you to join in if you can and it doesnt have to be a letter it can be something else that you have never seen done before :)
      I hope you feel better soon xx

  4. I publicly joined your site and am excited to see all your beautiful projects. KimboKreations Youtube channel Thanks for the fun challenge.

    1. Thank you so much Kim! I cant wait to see what you create :) xx

  5. Just subbed to your channel and blog. I loved your mini album and your steampunk dressform is just stunningly gorgeous. Looking forward to see more of your projects. YT name is Pat.S.

  6. Thank you so much Pat! I cant wait to see what you come up with for the challenge :) x

  7. My you tube name is Debby Shelton.

    1. Thank you Debby. I will look forward to seeing what you create x

  8. This sounds like a fun challenge :) my YT name is mylittlesweetpeaz... I'm also having a 500 subbie challenge going on now :)

    1. Hey Letty, I hope you will join in with the challenge :) Ill check yours out this evening, I am pretty sure I am already subbed to you xx
