Tuesday 25 June 2013

Altered Tissue Box (Using Kaiser Craft 75 Cents Paper)

I started out with this:

and turned it into this:

Thanks for stopping by XX

Thursday 13 June 2013

'Never Say Never' Graphic 45 Secret Garden Mini Album

Thanks for looking 

Tuesday 11 June 2013

500 subbie giveaway challenge :)

You must be subscribed to my youtube

You must follow my blog (pubicly so I can see that you follow me:) - Pop a 'hello' on my giveaway post and your youtube name so I know who you are :)

You must make an altered configuration / printers tray LETTER (check out my process videos for guidance) 

alter something in a way that you have never seen it altered before.

Please use YOUR style and YOUR choice of colours / papers etc!

Please link your response to my challenege video and say where you got the idea from with a link to my channel

1 entry for the challenge
1 entry for promoting my challenge/giveaway
5 entries for sending it to me :) (but you dont have to as I know many of you are international and it might cost a bit - If you would like alter a letter for me or someone in my family then our initials are - K, M, F-L and J)

Closes July 23rd

You will win £35 to spend at one of 4 UK online stores. I will email the winner with the store choices so they can look. Then they can tell me what they want from that store up to the value of £35. I will place the order on the winners behalf and then ship it to them where ever in the world they are.
I thought some UK based stores would be a great idea as I know a lot of my subbies are international :)

Most importantly - HAVE FUN!!

Thursday 6 June 2013

Its Finished! Altered Configuration Box / Printers Tray letter 'K'

Well ladies and gents after several process videos I have finished my altered letter and I am really happy with it!



Paper: Kaiser Craft 75 Cents Collection
Paint sprays used: Lindy's stamp gang: Sea grass, frolic in the forest black, toto's tornado black, gossimer gold. Tattered angels: Teal High Heal. Cosmic shimmer: Patina.

Sunday 2 June 2013

Tutorial / Process of Altered Configuration Box / Printers Tray Letter (and a side note)

We are well under-way with the process everyone :)
3 Videos are now avaliable and part 4 is loading
Here is where we are at:

Please dont forget to check out my Youtube channel for the tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/user/kelli1234100

A little side note - I am approximately 10 subscribers away from my first ever giveaway challenge - yipee! I have mentioned details of the prize I intend to give in one of the tutorail videos so dont forget to listen out for it!


Saturday 1 June 2013

My First Ever Tutorial / Process Video

Do you remember this?

I made this altered letter for a friend of mine and had great fun turning it into a printers tray / configuration box.

In my first ever tutorial / process video I attempt to show you how I did it :) Using an absolutely huge paper mache letter that my friend Jane picked up for me in the US! 

Youtube video Part 1 here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_t9RQrre050 - I imagine it will be in quite a few parts! 
